5 Questions about female Viagra

Several years ago scientist claimed to create a magic pill for women with a low sex drive. Newspapers called this “pink Viagra” and in a short time, this medicine was approved by the FDA – Food and Drug Administration.  Also, a few weeks later the company stopped the research about the side effects of this drug due to financial problems. Nowadays the other medical company Sprout got back to the research in this field. Finally, the pharma industry reviewed their opinions on women’s libido. Before they were thinking that if you didn’t turn on as fast as a man, it must be you are a divergence from the standard.

  1. How does this work?

This pill named as Addyi, is suitable for almost 10% women, who suffer from the low sex drive without any medical reason. In this category can’t be rated people with troubles in relationships or medical issues. This condition of low interest to sex is medically called hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Women can suffer from it at any age. There is no connection between this disorder social status and education of the woman.  The experts think that women with this disorder have misbalance of norepinephrine, the chemical substances that make you feel aroused and dopamine and serotonin level. Addyi works as antidepressant affects the central nervous system and chemical elements in the brain. While men’s Viagra works on genitals.

  1. Who can get the prescription?

The research of Addyi causes lots of questions. In one of the earliest period of its implementation was found out a significant improvement in sexual desire meanwhile the medicine with promoted with minimum improvements in sexual activity.  About 40 % of women had zero response to the pills, but those affected had incredible high results in sexual appetite.  The typical participate of the experiment was a woman with less than one sexual contact in a month. They improved their sexual activity up to 4 sexual contacts in 30 days. One more important note is a placebo test. Half of the women haven’t noticed any results in combined with a traditional treatment, meanwhile, the other half noticed a difference in sexual satisfaction during the coitus. Placebo showed 50,2% of satisfaction after sexual act against just 59,6 % from the pink pills. This medicine is also suitable for women with early menopause to raise the level sex drive and libido.

  1. What side effects can be?

As usual for any medicine side effects may include fatigue, nausea, low blood pressure and vertigo.  This drug can be used with alcohol or other antidepressants or drugs affecting the nervous system.

  1. How can I get this magic pills?

Like everything in the world, you can buy it on the internet or ask about it at the nearest pharmacy. Before running to the pharmacy, we recommend you to visit a sexologist. Make sure you don’t buy a cheap copy of it. The cost of the pink pills is around $150,79  on eBay. Maybe a dinner in an expensive restaurant will be a better aphrodisiac for your lady?

  1. How can I better my condition without pills?

The diagnosis hypoactive sexual desire disorder is a very controversial itself, you can’t find it in any medical manual all around the world. The symptoms of this disorder still need more profound research.  Maybe this disorder is promoted exclusively by the pharma industry and we just need to pay attention to the cultural background of our sexual relationship. Maybe it’s time to review your sexuality and remember, scientists are still can’t define a normal libido, so only society influence on your sex expectations.

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