All posts tagged "female sexuality"

  • Hygge sex. How do Danish do that?

    From Danish hygge means feeling warm, comfortable, and safe. You might have heard this word before and you also could notice Danish influence in architecture,...

  • Naked yoga

    If you still don’t know what yoga is about, it’s a mental, physical and spiritual discipline. There is a broad variety of practices and schools in Hinduism...

  • Don’t measure a woman’s worth by her clothes

    Terre Des Femmes, Swiss organization fighting for women’s rights, created an ad called “Don’t measure a woman’s worth by her clothes”. The main goal is to eradicate the myth...

  • Obsessed women

    Myths about female frigidity and coldness are completely busted. Scientists say that women’s sexual desire can be as strong as a man’s. The truth is...

  • Hot in summer

    English scientists have found out a very unusual and interesting peculiarity – during warm seasons people become more attractive and sexy and look healthier than...

  • Female sexuality

    Female sexuality began to be talked about only in the XX century. Before that anorgasmia and frigidity were mass phenomenons and the whole vision of...