Food for Libido

foodTiredness, stresses, weak immune system and lack of sleep affect sexual desire. Although experts claim that nutrition play also an important role in libido. It is scientifically proved that there are products which influence libido positively as well as negatively.

If you eat a slice of cheese made of cow milk every day, you should know that it doesn’t increase your sexual desire. It’s among those products which eliminate your sexual desire. Researchers have found out that manufacturers produce milk products that contain growth hormones and even antibiotics. These prevent the formation of such hormones as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen, which influence sexual functions. Cheese is followed by sodas. Besides having a negative influence on sexual activity, sodas are very often the reason for diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity. Sodas decrease the level of serotonin – the hormone which improves your mood.

French fries and crisps follow sodas. They damage and oxidize tissues. Canned goods can be dangerous for males – because of chemical additives and salt a loss of sexual potency may occur. No less dangerous are those products which have monosodium glutamate in them. Such food has unhealthy influence on cardiovascular system, and as a result leads to impotence. Too much coffee may also have a negative influence on sexual functions of both men and women.

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